Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Robert Kirkman knows how "The Walking Dead" will end!

Bloody Disgusting reports from a recent interview with Marc Maron on the WTF podcast that Robert Kirkman, creator of The Walking Dead, knows where the show is going and how it can eventually end.

On the podcast, Robert Kirkman had the following to say:

"It’s a very popular show, and [the executives at AMC] seem to want it to go for fifty seasons. And it may go for fifty seasons, but there is definitely an end point at some point. The idea is that this story that’s longer than it has any business being, but it’s that length and watching those characters evolve over that time that’s gonna make it be this piece, that when it’s all done, you’ll look back on it and be like ‘what the hell, I thought they were just killing zombies. There’s totally an arc here and a thing going on, and I didn’t think the story was about this! 

I do hope that “The Walking Dead’ goes on long enough that when it ends, it’s like, ‘good thing we took care of those zombies.’

 People talk about how ‘The Walking Dead’s’ very bleak, and if you take a certain cross-section of the story, yeah, it’s horrible. People [are] getting their loved ones eaten and they’re having a horrible time. But I see the story from beginning to end, over many, many years, so I think it’s a very hopeful story about humanity overcoming this insurmountable, apocalyptic situation… it’s just gonna take them a long time to do it."

Even though the sixth season airs this October, reports have stated that AMC, Robert Kirkman, and the show's producers have an outline of how things will play out through season twelve. When the comic for The Walking Dead was created, Kirkman pitched a story that had the potential to never end. 

What do you think? Does the television show have that same potential or should there be an end-game in mind? Do you have an idea on how the show should end? Let us know in the comments.

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